To the Ends of the Earth

Luke writes the Acts of the Apostles after he wrote his Gospel, “In the first book… I dealt with all that Jesus did until the day he ascended.” At his ascension Jesus told the people, “You will receive power when the Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of … Continue reading “To the Ends of the Earth”

Molded by Scribes

“Jesus said to the crowds, “Beware of the Scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the market places, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.” The word scribe means “to write,” and signified the man who was the keeper of laws, accounts, and so forth. … Continue reading “Molded by Scribes”

Truth about the Big Lie

Jesus tells disciples that, like himself, they “do not belong to the world” of rulers. Jesus also tells them truth does not belong to the world of rulers either, so Jesus “consecrates them in truth.” Rulers not being ‘consecrated in truth’ explains Trump’s 30,000+ lies. One type of lie is opinion. Not to be confused … Continue reading “Truth about the Big Lie”

Critical Thinking

In the Old Testament, young Samuel believes he is being called by Eli. But Eli is certain “the Lord was calling the youth.” The Lord calls Samuel for allegiance to a War Lord, King David, and to a warrior nation, Israel. In the Gospel, Andrew believes he is being called by Jesus. Jesus says nothing … Continue reading “Critical Thinking”

Cancel Culture

“You are appointed watchman,” says the Lord in Ezekiel. “When you hear me say anything, you shall warn the wicked for me.” If “you do not… the wicked shall die for his guilt, but I will hold you responsible for his death.” Jesus never appoints watchmen for the wicked liable for their deaths. Instead, Jesus … Continue reading “Cancel Culture”

The Deadly Just War Religion

The family Maccabees refuses to obey a foreign War Lord, a god of the dead, King Antiochus IV. Antiochus was outlawing Jewish religious traditions and forcing the family to obey Greek ones, for example, the deadly just war tradition. Thus the king “slaughtered” many; “in the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost.” But … Continue reading “The Deadly Just War Religion”

Humiliated as Property

Feeling humiliated as a piece of property weaves through this Sunday’s readings. The Israelites feel humiliated as slaves in Egypt, owned as property. Unfortunately, these ex-slaves then conquer and humiliate other people as slaves in “the land of Canaan” and them own as property. Jesus highlights the feeling by telling a parable of a rich … Continue reading “Humiliated as Property”

Company Men

One of Jesus followers, John, is upset that a person not of their company is calling on Jesus’ name to drive out demons. A demon is a spirit of negativity, an adversary that harms and even destroys. Someone who cannot live a fully human life because they are possessed by a demonic or obstructive spirit … Continue reading “Company Men”