Jesus speaks of great purpose and focus in the parables he tells this Sunday, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field which a person finds… and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching … Continue reading “Ultimate Joy of Peacemaking”
Tag: peacemaking
Consistent Ethic of Life: Peacemaking
“Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert.” “He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry. The tempter approached” Jesus to forsake his peacemaking mission from the Spirit. Jesus refused, including the last to rule the world, “the devil… showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world… “All these … Continue reading “Consistent Ethic of Life: Peacemaking”
Youth Are Not Being Radicalized, They Are Being Soldiered
“God put Abraham to the test.” Take your “son Isaac… and offer him up as a holocaust.” “Abraham… took the knife to slaughter his son.” But God said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy.” “I know now how devoted you are.” Abraham’s tribe is transfigured by his action on a mountaintop. A people … Continue reading “Youth Are Not Being Radicalized, They Are Being Soldiered”
Giving Up War for Lent and for Life
The Old Testament reading recalls a flood experience, lasting 40 days. Its authors believed an ancient Lord, sparing Noah, justifiably waged war against life itself and “destroyed all mortal beings.” The Old Testament then shows war being continually waged by believers in the Lord; Moses, Joshua, David, and the like. The Gospel reading recalls a … Continue reading “Giving Up War for Lent and for Life”
Doctors of Peace
Jesus is at his last meal with disciples. This includes Judas who has already betrayed Jesus and later that night will assault him. Jesus knows Judas is betraying him. He knows and describes the assault and violence that await. Jesus does not, however, assault Judas nor does he even protest against him. Instead, Jesus initiates … Continue reading “Doctors of Peace”
Peacemaking Pioneers
Jesus is sending out disciples to spread his Way: of communion and so he sends out people in pairs to nurture community; of compassionate love and so he sends out people who are poor to nurture vulnerability; of creativity and so he sends out people gifted with healing power. All of these qualities make for … Continue reading “Peacemaking Pioneers”
Are Christians Willfully Ignorant of Jesus’ Nonviolence?
Jesus initiates a radical paradigm shift for humanity when he teaches and gives witness to the Community of God, sometimes translated as the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ Kingdom of God shifts humanity to communion, love, and creative healing power thus transforming the kingdom of Caesar’s domination, suffering, and violence. Unfortunately, institutional christianity hinders that transformation. … Continue reading “Are Christians Willfully Ignorant of Jesus’ Nonviolence?”