Ultimate Joy of Peacemaking

Jesus speaks of great purpose and focus in the parables he tells this Sunday, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field which a person finds… and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching … Continue reading “Ultimate Joy of Peacemaking”

Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion

The warrior Moses is a member of the religion of Militarism. Militarism lauds  warriors and the warrior deity they invent, who, for his Chosen People, inflicts godly suffering on an enemy, and kills them. For example in ordering the sufferings of the Plagues, and killing the enemy’s first born children in the 10th Plague. Members … Continue reading “Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion”

A Revolution of Love

Jesus is a loving man. He opens his heart, indeed his whole life to a variety of people who reflect a variety of personalities. Which is not to say his encounters are always pleasant. He is targeted by antagonistic, angry, and even vengeful personalities – always they are dominant rulers or those who desire the … Continue reading “A Revolution of Love”

Shifting To A Bright Light

“The people sit in darkness.” A tyrant, aligned with another more tyrannical ruler, controls the darkness. He’s entombing a challenger in his darkness. The people need someone to step forth as a light. Someone does and offers a vision into the darkness and, more importantly, a vision beyond it. With this Sunday’s Gospel in one … Continue reading “Shifting To A Bright Light”