Moses, Elijah, and Muhammad; Not Jesus

Similar to a previous peacemaker, Gautama Buddha, Christ Jesus creates a seismic shift in human history. This Sunday’s Transfiguration is one expression of that shift. Its seismic nature however is not appreciated by Biblical fundamentalists who write commentaries on the event. They diminish both Jesus and the Transfiguration. They do so by interpreting both as … Continue reading “Moses, Elijah, and Muhammad; Not Jesus”

Why Jesus Started a Movement and Not a Religion

This Sunday’s readings give insight into the origins of religion. They also show the difference between religion and the People’s Movement Jesus started. Religion is a Latin word and consists of ‘re’ which means ‘again’ and ‘ligio’ which means ‘to bind’. The truth of religion being a ‘re-bind’ is seen in the first reading. In … Continue reading “Why Jesus Started a Movement and Not a Religion”

Sacred and Profane

Jesus cleanses the Temple in today’s Gospel reading. The Temple represents a division instituted by religion, specifically the division between Divinity and the natural world. Gods were once believed synonymous with the forces of nature. Those forces could be deadly and were feared. So too the gods assigned to the forces were deadly and feared, … Continue reading “Sacred and Profane”