Shifting from Danger to Peace

Jesus parents are worried. Is he in danger they wonder, as “they cannot find him.”  “They returned to Jerusalem to look for him.” They remained worried, concerned about him being in danger for another 3 full days. “After three days they found him.” “When his parents saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said … Continue reading “Shifting from Danger to Peace”

The Myrrh of Artificial Intelligence

The Gospel of Matthew includes a story of Magi, wise ones who seek a child, “We saw his star rising.” They offer “him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The story is told to link with an Old Testament story but erroneously so, for it tells of warriors who seek plunder, “all shall come bearing … Continue reading “The Myrrh of Artificial Intelligence”

Educating for Lasting Peace

We learn from the story of the Magi that those who are wise seek out peacemakers to be educated by them, ‘We saw the child’s star rising… and have come to follow him.’ We learn from the story of Herod that those who are rulers target peacemakers and lie about being educated by them, ‘Go … Continue reading “Educating for Lasting Peace”

Institutions Will Not Save Us

“Magi from the East arrived in Jerusalem” where they told “King Herod” of their quest. They seek a newborn holy one, “We saw his star rising.” The Magi are scientists and believers open to epiphanies, to experiencing the essential meaning of divinity present in the world. They cultivate care for the natural world and all … Continue reading “Institutions Will Not Save Us”

Beginning With Peace

Sunday’s readings begin with a passage from Isaiah referred to as the Suffering Servant. It is about one who will fight to “bring forth justice to the nations.” He will not “cry out” nor “shout,” “a bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench until he establishes justice on … Continue reading “Beginning With Peace”