
The God presented for worship in the Old Testament simply does not match Jesus’ revelation of Divinity in the Gospel. The difference is the difference between the religion of Militarism and the spirituality of Jesus. One assurance of our evolution beyond Militarism’s religion and toward Jesus’ spirituality is the difference between a warrior and an … Continue reading “Advocate”


While in a small group as part of a Lenten spirituality program a participant asked, “Who is God for you?” Most people began to answer the question by saying, “I think that God is …” Thinking about God, thinking about the image we have of God, is very different than sharing our experience of God. … Continue reading “Transfiguration”

Knowing God

John the Baptist lets us know in this Sunday’s Gospel that before Jesus’ baptism he didn’t actually know Jesus. He said it twice: “I did not know him.” There are additional instances after Jesus’ baptism that shows John didn’t entirely understand Jesus, or His mission. (Matthew 11:2-6) Though John doesn’t know Jesus, John knows the … Continue reading “Knowing God”

Mercy and Compassion

Some diversions from Christ Jesus’ Way are obvious, others more subtle. Worshipping a golden calf, today’s first reading, would fit the obvious category. Losing ourselves to a life of greed, abuse, or various superficialities would as well. What about subtle diversions? Diversions so slight we are unaware of having gone astray. Years go by, even … Continue reading “Mercy and Compassion”

Independence From Violence

Independence from violence is the life witness of those who follow Jesus. In this Sunday’s Gospel, James and John are not yet giving witness to following Jesus. Samaritans have rejected Jesus. James and John want to “rain down fire” upon the Samaritans. Jesus rebukes both saying, “You don’t know of what kind of spirit you … Continue reading “Independence From Violence”


Love is Jesus’ commandment, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.” Jesus rarely spoke in terms of commandments and yet his teaching on love in the Gospel is presented in that manner. Jesus’ commandment would seem to warrant attention, especially from Christians. Certainly so from self-titled Christians enamored of Ten Commandments from the … Continue reading “Love”