In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist is sought after as a man of integrity, humble and wise. Some people begin to wonder if he is the Christ. Being humble John deflects any potential glory and directs people toward another: “there is one who comes after me.” Interestingly enough, Jesus, who John is heralding, also … Continue reading “Can We Celebrate a Humble Christmas Season?”
Author: Editor
Are We Domesticated or Wild?
This Sunday’s Gospel opens by identifying the terrorist leaders of the Roman Empire. The Empire is topped by Caesar who controls two trained underlings in Palestine, Pilate and Herod. The Roman Empire, like all empires, including the U.S. Empire, terrorizes common people. Those terrorized include common people of the ruler’s own land, as well as … Continue reading “Are We Domesticated or Wild?”
How Can We Change the Climate This Christmas Season?
The Advent/Christmas season begins with the Gospel forecasting an apocalyptic event. It uses symbolic language to convey its seriousness: “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay.” Jesus describes a climate of distress apparent socially and personally (he’s facing his own suffering and … Continue reading “How Can We Change the Climate This Christmas Season?”
Are Christians Willfully Ignorant of Jesus’ Nonviolence?
Jesus initiates a radical paradigm shift for humanity when he teaches and gives witness to the Community of God, sometimes translated as the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ Kingdom of God shifts humanity to communion, love, and creative healing power thus transforming the kingdom of Caesar’s domination, suffering, and violence. Unfortunately, institutional christianity hinders that transformation. … Continue reading “Are Christians Willfully Ignorant of Jesus’ Nonviolence?”
How Could Jesus Predict This Generation’s Terrorism?
Jesus predicts terror in much of Mark’s 13th chapter read this Sunday. The terror has an overall and particular infliction to it. Overall, the terrorism is the pain inflicted by every generation’s Militarist rulers. In particular, such terrorism will soon be directed against Jesus who will be tortured and murdered. Also against disciples. Jesus’ predictions … Continue reading “How Could Jesus Predict This Generation’s Terrorism?”
What is a Widow’s Might?
Jesus contrasts scribes with widows in this Sunday’s Gospel. It is a contrast between legal scholars who are socially honored and legal slaves who are socially dishonored. Jesus is not necessarily praising the widow’s almsgiving but he is certainly lamenting the payment scribes coerce out of her. The widow’s mite or penny is a payment … Continue reading “What is a Widow’s Might?”
What Is the Power of Our Sainthood?
Jesus’ Blessings, or Beatitudes, often go unnoticed as expressions of power (influence with). Power is contrasted with control (rule over). This contrast flows through the Beatitudes. Control is at work among the wealthy who segregate themselves. Jesus teaches the power of interdependence, “Blessed are the poor.” Control is at work when we exert our ego … Continue reading “What Is the Power of Our Sainthood?”
Having Something Done For Us or By Us
Bartimaeus, who is blind, is making a racket. Although censored by onlookers he persists. He eventually gets the attention he wants from Jesus but that is not all he wants. Bartimaeus puts his faith in Jesus. Jesus, in turn, puts a question to him, What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus replies, … Continue reading “Having Something Done For Us or By Us”
What Price Glory?
Two of Jesus’ followers, James and John, engage him in a quite calculated conversation: “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” Jesus replied, “What do you wish me to do for you?” They answered, “Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other … Continue reading “What Price Glory?”
Why Don’t Rich People Like To Share?
Shocking in its day and still now is Jesus’ encounter with a young man. The man keeps the commandments but, because he is rich, is said to lack godliness, “Go and sell what you have to the poor.” Not only is the rich young man stunned by this news the disciples are too. Their stunned … Continue reading “Why Don’t Rich People Like To Share?”