How Good Is It To Be Alone?

Pharisees are concerned about man-made laws. They seek to press Jesus on one such concern in this Sunday’s Gospel. It is the law on divorce. “‘Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?’ They were testing him.” The test was to whether Jesus adhered to a harsh or more lenient view of men … Continue reading “How Good Is It To Be Alone?”

Company Men

One of Jesus followers, John, is upset that a person not of their company is calling on Jesus’ name to drive out demons. A demon is a spirit of negativity, an adversary that harms and even destroys. Someone who cannot live a fully human life because they are possessed by a demonic or obstructive spirit … Continue reading “Company Men”

Collective Consciousness

All people who challenge the status quo are made to suffer by those who uphold it. Jesus challenged it and was persecuted by the rulers of his day. Jesus knows they will kill him. When Jesus shares with disciples his consciousness of this timeless truth, they are confounded. However, they ask no further questions to … Continue reading “Collective Consciousness”

Conscience Questions the Bible and the Constitution

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus asks a question: “Who do people say that I am?” He is directing listeners outward toward other’s opinions. Those opinions reflect external social and religious norms about rulers. Then Jesus rephrases the question for Peter: “Who do you say that I am?’ Jesus is  directing his friend inward toward conscience … Continue reading “Conscience Questions the Bible and the Constitution”

Hearing the Cry of the Poor and the Earth

There is an analogy between Jesus’ Gospel witness this Sunday and Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on the earth, Laudato Si. The particular ingredient of the analogy is the transformation of a system that marginalizes people. Both Jesus and Pope Francis give care to people who are made poor, sick, and forgotten by directing healing attention … Continue reading “Hearing the Cry of the Poor and the Earth”

Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good

Jesus is accosted in Sunday’s Gospel by the ruling class. They are upset with his and disciples’ lack of appreciation for law and order. Law and order is frequently extolled, even made godly – by the ruler class. But it is not as beneficial as supposed. Law and order is another name for military justice. … Continue reading “Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good”

Women’s Liberation

This Sunday’s Gospel identifies Jesus as promoting women’s liberation. He does so by promoting communion. Communion is a life-giving power. It the relationship model Mary witnesses for Jesus and Jesus passes on. The life-giving power of communion as a relationship model can be misunderstood or perhaps feared. Thus, when Jesus witnesses life-giving communion in today’s … Continue reading “Women’s Liberation”

Having Life Within and Between

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus continually challenges people to have life within them. He speaks of Divinity as that source of life within all. For Jesus, all creation embodies life-giving Divinity. So it is that the bread and wine Jesus offers have Divine life within them. So too do each of us. Today’s Gospel message … Continue reading “Having Life Within and Between”

Staying Nourished

This Sunday’s Gospel is a healthy lesson on staying nourished. We need to do so while living in a depraved and deprived world. It is the world of Militarism and it has projected its harmful qualities onto a deity. Militarism’s depraved and deprived qualities have been made holy. We first encounter Militarism’s two qualities in … Continue reading “Staying Nourished”

Faith as Trust

There is a curious element of faith relevant to this Sunday’s Gospel. People in need of food had sought out Jesus to fill that need. Jesus did fill it when he blessed, broke, and shared five loaves and two fishes to feed over 5,000 people. Some of the people want more though. They follow Jesus … Continue reading “Faith as Trust”