The Spirit of God was experienced by disciples as a vital energy. It was as the breath of Christ and came in the physical expressions of a strong wind and tongues of fire. The presence of God in Christ was both contained in physical form, and yet, free flowing as from breath, wind, and fire. … Continue reading “Vital Spirit”
Author: Editor
Joy was pouring forth from the disciples after Jesus’ Ascension. The disciples had known joy from the beginning of their time with Jesus. They enjoyed an intimate companion in Jesus. They enjoyed a deepening character within themselves. They enjoyed a continually expanding circle of friends. Included among their friends were persons who had been sick … Continue reading “Joy”
Rejecting Warmaking, Accepting Peacemaking
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (John 14:27) Jesus authored for the world a peace entirely unlike that proselytized by the world’s militaries. The military believes in peace, through violence. Jesus’ early followers gave witness to the difference between … Continue reading “Rejecting Warmaking, Accepting Peacemaking”
Love is Jesus’ commandment, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.” Jesus rarely spoke in terms of commandments and yet his teaching on love in the Gospel is presented in that manner. Jesus’ commandment would seem to warrant attention, especially from Christians. Certainly so from self-titled Christians enamored of Ten Commandments from the … Continue reading “Love”
Jesus says in Sunday’s Gospel: “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” Disciples hear Jesus calling us to follow him by creating communion among people torn apart by divisive identities, by witnessing love to those who promote anger as righteous or just, and by bringing healing to those who wound … Continue reading “Vocation”
Discipleship, which means to learn, in particular from Jesus, would have us relating in communion, being nonviolent loving persons, and expressing creative healing power. All three qualities were Jesus’ most consistent and significant witness. In Sunday’s Gospel Jesus is again giving witness to these ingredients and encouraging disciples to do their best to exhibit them. … Continue reading “Discipleship”
Peace is Jesus’ way. It is his gift to everyone: “Peace be with you.” Those who want to learn from Jesus, receive the gift of peace and share it with others. One sign of our doing so is our willingness to be at peace, as Jesus was, with different people. Our differences with people might … Continue reading “Peacemaking”
Resurrection means so many things. It means Christ Jesus lives. It means the creative healing power of God endures beyond the grave. Christ Jesus lives beyond the suffering and death inflicted upon him. That pain was inflicted by Militarists who believe violence is a saving act and that they have the right to inflict it. … Continue reading “Resurrection”
Suffering, such as the Gospel describes this Sunday in the crucifixion, is violently inflicted upon Jesus on the cross. Such suffering is unfortunately extolled in institutional christianity. It is mistakenly believed to save us. It is mistakenly believed because Jesus never teaches his suffering saves us. Those who believe it are therefore not centered on … Continue reading “Suffering”
Emerging People
In the Gospel, we see a women dragged into the streets but who because of Jesus’ response, emerges from her enslavement. Emerging seems to describe the People of God. We are emerging in our discipleship because we are centering ourselves on the witness of Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus’ life witness, as shown with the … Continue reading “Emerging People”