How Good Is It To Be Alone?

Pharisees are concerned about man-made laws. They seek to press Jesus on one such concern in this Sunday’s Gospel. It is the law on divorce. “‘Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?’ They were testing him.” The test was to whether Jesus adhered to a harsh or more lenient view of men … Continue reading “How Good Is It To Be Alone?”

Collective Consciousness

All people who challenge the status quo are made to suffer by those who uphold it. Jesus challenged it and was persecuted by the rulers of his day. Jesus knows they will kill him. When Jesus shares with disciples his consciousness of this timeless truth, they are confounded. However, they ask no further questions to … Continue reading “Collective Consciousness”

Faith as Trust

There is a curious element of faith relevant to this Sunday’s Gospel. People in need of food had sought out Jesus to fill that need. Jesus did fill it when he blessed, broke, and shared five loaves and two fishes to feed over 5,000 people. Some of the people want more though. They follow Jesus … Continue reading “Faith as Trust”

Reflecting or Reacting

Jesus is, like most of his contemporaries, marginalized – politically, financially, and theologically. He is not, however ,powerless. One aspect of Jesus’ power is demonstrated by his empowering others. He encourages people to create with their brothers and sisters a new politics (care), a new economy (share), and a new theology (dare). After sending out … Continue reading “Reflecting or Reacting”

Being True

In this final week of the Easter season Jesus speaks of having been true to those given to him. He understands one, will not be true to him, Judas,  the “son of destruction.” “I protected them… and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction.” Jesus’ protecting and guarding … Continue reading “Being True”

Mothers Take the Lead

Jesus’ witness as a loving and strong leader is apparent in this Sunday’s Gospel. He tells community members, “Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love … This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down … Continue reading “Mothers Take the Lead”


Service includes caring for those in need as Jesus does with those who are sick. It is Jesus’ encounters with those who are sick that shapes this Sunday’s Gospel. One of the sick people Jesus heals is Peter’s mother-in-law. Upon being healed she was then of service to the people gathered in their home. Jesus … Continue reading “Service”

Gift Economy

There is some evidence the U.S. Empire is like, or perhaps worse than, the man in Sunday’s Gospel. The man, out of fear, puts the gifts he has been given to no good use; he “went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried” the gifts.  So too,  the U.S. receiving the gifts … Continue reading “Gift Economy”

The Risk of Love

Love is the greatest risk of all. No other risk we take renders us more vulnerable. Yet no other risk we take gives our lives more meaning. And so we risk love; with family again and again. We risk love again and again with friends and with neighbors we meet here and there in the … Continue reading “The Risk of Love”