Jesus’ parable this Sunday seems to present most modern readers with an easy choice. Is it better to say “No” to a father’s public request but then do as he asked? Or is it better to say “Yes” but then not actually fulfill the request. Modern readers would likely say doing what was asked is … Continue reading “Easy Choices”
Category: Love
Living Water
Lent is inappropriately linked with sin and therefore with disempowerment. Lent is actually an experience of empowerment as the Lenten Sunday Gospel readings show. The Gospel from the First Sunday of Lent begins with Jesus being led into the desert by the Spirit. He is being empowered for his coming public ministry. The Gospel from … Continue reading “Living Water”
We have all had our share of challenging experiences in life, experiences of being taken beyond the point we thought was our ability to cope. In such moments, those things or circumstances or people we thought we needed are not there and we stand alone. We come to know who we are at our core. … Continue reading “Essence”
There are times, usually in the dead of night, when worry comes to visit. She is like a cat, small but skittish and will not be put at ease no matter what is done to calm her. She soon has everything in tatters – my trust, my hopes, my very guts seem torn to shreds. … Continue reading “Today”
Loving Our Enemies
This Sunday’s Gospel includes an unparalleled teaching by Jesus; love your enemies. This teaching surpasses the Golden Rule; do unto others as you have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is a challenge but it does not effect the same transformation in the world as does Jesus’ commandment to love our enemies. Loving our … Continue reading “Loving Our Enemies”
Salt and Light Within
While visiting lately with much older friends I heard them express feelings of sadness, even grief. They spoke tearfully of injustices and suffering in the world, specifically in the U.S. They had done their best to alleviate that suffering throughout their lives and saw significant change happen. Now, from walkers and wheelchairs, they were watching … Continue reading “Salt and Light Within”
Love and Justice
As important as justice might seem for disciples it gives way to the more important virtue of love. This truth is exemplified in Sunday’s Gospel when John the Baptist gives way to Jesus. John revealed a just God. John’s god was concerned with denouncing sinners and cleansing the world of evil. As it was time … Continue reading “Love and Justice”
Family is indeed under assault by the U.S. culture. Though not by the forces its conservative members assert. Family is not under assault by people who love each other, no matter their gender or ethnicity, their religion or lack thereof. People who love each other teach us how to care, how to be compassionate, and … Continue reading “Family”
Faith is more than what various Old Testament authors would have us believe. For example the prophet Habakkuk writes during a time of trouble, “Why do you not intervene, Lord?” Habakkuk would have us believe faith is believing in a distant deity we want to have help us in a time of need. Jesus describes … Continue reading “Faith”
Mercy and Compassion
Some diversions from Christ Jesus’ Way are obvious, others more subtle. Worshipping a golden calf, today’s first reading, would fit the obvious category. Losing ourselves to a life of greed, abuse, or various superficialities would as well. What about subtle diversions? Diversions so slight we are unaware of having gone astray. Years go by, even … Continue reading “Mercy and Compassion”