“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.” We are conceived from the noise of lovemaking. We are born from the noise of childbirth. We … Continue reading “Making Noise for the Sake of Humanity”
Tag: fascism
Educating for Lasting Peace
We learn from the story of the Magi that those who are wise seek out peacemakers to be educated by them, ‘We saw the child’s star rising… and have come to follow him.’ We learn from the story of Herod that those who are rulers target peacemakers and lie about being educated by them, ‘Go … Continue reading “Educating for Lasting Peace”
For What Purpose Have I Come?
Job laments that he, a ruler who enslaved people in misery, is himself now “a slave,” in “misery.” Job’s fellow rulers and enslavers visit him with the purpose of determining what is his sin that has resulted in his deserved misery. Jesus rejects misery for healing. An example is his treatment of Peter’s ill mother-in … Continue reading “For What Purpose Have I Come?”
What is Our Consciousness?
Sunday’s readings show consciousness of a culture’s laws. It begins with a consciousness of the Ten Commandments, then consciousness of the Levitical priesthood and its judgment of many laws, and finally the consciousness of a scribe who questions Jesus about all law. Jesus violated his culture’s laws. Law is used to control and oppress people. … Continue reading “What is Our Consciousness?”
Wisdom: Conventional or Counter-cultural?
This Sunday’s readings are concerned with wisdom and its effects. Some of the wisdom is conventional, defined as conveying generally accepted beliefs, opinions, and judgments. It can be contrasted with true wisdom that counters convention. The two wisdoms meet in the Gospel. A conventionally wise rich young man who glorifies rulers, their wealth and laws … Continue reading “Wisdom: Conventional or Counter-cultural?”