

Our understanding of salvation has been distorted by atonement theology. Atonement theology has two basic premises. The first is that we are all sinners estranged from God who need saving. The second premise is that as sinners salvation is not in our power to effect but only in God’s control offered to a select few. … Continue reading “Salvation”


Decisiveness attracts us. We like its energy. We admire its strength. We’re drawn to people who exhibit it, especially in times of crisis. Even if the decision made is horrendous, we find ourselves holding the decider in high regard. For example, U.S. citizens reacted so to George Bush’s decision to invade Iraq after the Saudi’s … Continue reading “Decisiveness”


The gifts of parents, our senses, water, food, and so many other basics are given to us before we are even born. They are available to us even before we are aware of our need for them. All are an indispensable part of our world and we sometimes assume their presence. We do not always … Continue reading “Gifts”


Prayer is a routine and vital ingredient of Jesus’ life. The Gospel record shows Jesus frequently going off to be alone in prayer. It also shows him frequently teaching the disciples how to pray. This Sunday’s Gospel has a few such teachings and includes Jesus’ simple yet profound and indeed revolutionary prayer to Abba. Jesus’ … Continue reading “Prayer”


Presence is our awareness of ourselves as a gift. We are beautiful and our Creator is in love with us. We respect that love relationship as the abiding communion of our lives. It’s a loving communion we share with others who are also gifts, also beautiful, and also beloved. We risk living intimately, in touch … Continue reading “Presence”


Tribalism, in-group conformity, is one element of the Old Testament. It describes the relationship pattern of the Hebrew people set against members of other tribes who usually displayed the same value. Tribalism influences us to segregate between people. We are taught to develop an affinity with and give care to members of our own tribe. … Continue reading “Tribalism”


Jesus missions disciples for an entirely new creation. He sends them out to the villages and towns to tell the people, “The kingdom of God is at hand.” Jesus has been giving witness to its counter-cultural qualities. Now, he is sending disciples out, in pairs, to give witness to them as well. In this Sunday’s … Continue reading “Mission”

Independence From Violence

Independence from violence is the life witness of those who follow Jesus. In this Sunday’s Gospel, James and John are not yet giving witness to following Jesus. Samaritans have rejected Jesus. James and John want to “rain down fire” upon the Samaritans. Jesus rebukes both saying, “You don’t know of what kind of spirit you … Continue reading “Independence From Violence”

Who Am I?

Identity is behind a question Jesus poses to disciples in this Sunday’s Gospel, “Who do you say that I am?” Is Jesus divine or human? Divinity can  suggests a celestial being worthy of worship with priests conducting that worship. Jesus was human and very much of this earth. Yet Jesus evoked divinity for Peter, who … Continue reading “Who Am I?”