How Relevant is Jesus Christ to Christians?

Sunday’s first reading and Gospel are easily compared and contrasted. The first reading is from Numbers titled so because it numbers the men “fit for military service.” The men are unruly and as Moses has killed unruly people before he may again. This time Moses accepts that he needs more commanders for all the unruly … Continue reading “How Relevant is Jesus Christ to Christians?”

Fake Saviors

In Sunday’s first reading, the ruler Moses is cast as a savior. He tells the people they will be saved if they are obedient to him. If not, it will be deadly for them, “that you may live … observe the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I am commanding you … (I) destroyed … Continue reading “Fake Saviors”

The Challenge to Change Our Leaders

Scripture scholars treat Moses and his deity, Yahweh, as leaders. Moses is a military leader, a War Lord, as is the Yahweh deity he invented. They dominate, inflict suffering, and kill. Their military leadership is evident in Sunday’s first reading concerning the 10 Commandments. From Yahweh, “I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, … Continue reading “The Challenge to Change Our Leaders”

Aware of Love

An old joke about lawyers shows how legal complexities can render us unaware, dangerously so. Two lawyers were out hunting when they came upon tracks. The first lawyer declared them to be deer tracks but the second insisted they must be elk tracks. They were still arguing when the train hit them. So it is … Continue reading “Aware of Love”


Jesus’ Transfiguration reveals humanity glorified as Divine. The event involved Moses and Elijah. Both men have a previous association with trans-figuration. They are Biblical promoters of Militarism, an ancient and still pervasive religion that trans-figured humanity. Militarism’s trans-figuring involved trans-figuring warlords into deities. These trans-figured warriors were then worshiped by their cultures as gods. As … Continue reading “Transfigured”

Pesky Widows

Pesky widows are a power to be reckoned with. I know. I had a pesky widow for a mother. Jesus’ choice of a pesky widow with a legal concern in this Sunday’s parable extolling prayer is intriguing. It is a remarkable reversal of the Old Testament example of a pray-er who is extolled. The Old … Continue reading “Pesky Widows”