In today’s Old Testament reading the Warlord Yahweh calls the Warlord Jacob to, “Exult at the head of the nations.” The New Testament reading says “every high priest” is “called by God” to offer blood “sacrifices for sins.” In the Gospel, a blind man, Bartimaeus, calls Jesus to heal him. “Many rebuked him, telling him … Continue reading “Walking Away From the Call to War”
Tag: war
God’s Will for the Fourth of July
Prophets of the Old testament prophet believe they interpret God’s will. It is God’s will to inflict violence on sinners. They “have rebelled against me,” says the Lord. “(T)hey shall die for their sin.” (Ez 2) It is God’s will that a Chosen People in a Chosen Empire are ruled by a violent messianic warrior … Continue reading “God’s Will for the Fourth of July”
Love: Essence and Emotion
Jesus confirms love is essential for peacemakers, “Remain in my love… I have told you so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete. This is my commandment, love one another as I love you.” Love is more than a personal emotion shown only to family or like-minded people. Love … Continue reading “Love: Essence and Emotion”
Cancel War
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light, and does not come toward the light, so his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light.” … Continue reading “Cancel War”
Giving Up War for Lent and for Life
The Old Testament reading recalls a flood experience, lasting 40 days. Its authors believed an ancient Lord, sparing Noah, justifiably waged war against life itself and “destroyed all mortal beings.” The Old Testament then shows war being continually waged by believers in the Lord; Moses, Joshua, David, and the like. The Gospel reading recalls a … Continue reading “Giving Up War for Lent and for Life”
Women Are Wise
Today’s Old Testament reading unfortunately begins with a fool, the warrior King David. He is feeling anxious because he is not currently laboring at killing, “the LORD has given him rest from his enemies.” The Gospel reading fortunately tells of a wise soul, the lover Mary. She is feeling at peace for she will soon … Continue reading “Women Are Wise”
What in God’s Name?
Jesus is naming the terrors rulers will devise and is en-couraging people to be brave. Always rulers and their soldiers will devise “wars and insurrections.” Always in a ruler’s name “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” Always in a ruler’s name will soldiers “seize and persecute you, hand you over to…prisons, lead … Continue reading “What in God’s Name?”
The Deadly Just War Religion
The family Maccabees refuses to obey a foreign War Lord, a god of the dead, King Antiochus IV. Antiochus was outlawing Jewish religious traditions and forcing the family to obey Greek ones, for example, the deadly just war tradition. Thus the king “slaughtered” many; “in the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost.” But … Continue reading “The Deadly Just War Religion”
Transfigured or Disfigured?
Jesus is Transfigured before the very eyes of three of his disciples. They see his face shine radiant like the sun and his clothes become dazzling white. They watch him instruct two ancient figures on the Transfiguration of humanity, away from an ancient figure of a War Lord and toward an eternal figure of a … Continue reading “Transfigured or Disfigured?”
Well-Formed Conscience Well-Formed Law
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew, writing to a Jewish audience, has Jesus say, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” (Mt 5:17) The line is misinterpreted and isolated to diminish the revolution of Jesus’ Good News. As such, it … Continue reading “Well-Formed Conscience Well-Formed Law”