Jesus speaks of great purpose and focus in the parables he tells this Sunday, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field which a person finds… and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching … Continue reading “Ultimate Joy of Peacemaking”
Tag: weapons
Sensible Gun Control
“In those days, the LORD said: “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great, and their sin so grave,” I am set to “wipe out the place.” Abraham begs his Lord, “Will you spare the place for the sake of the innocent?… if there are fifty,” “forty,” “ten?” Unfortunately, Abraham learned the Lord will … Continue reading “Sensible Gun Control”
Feast on Spirituality Fast from the Cross
“The soldiers then… brought Jesus before Pilate.” “Pilate then summoned the chief priests, the rulers” who “shouted out… Crucify him!” “The soldiers led Jesus away to be executed” on a cross. “When they came to the place called the Skull, the soldiers crucified him.” Jesus lived as a peacemaker, intentionally so. He was not ignorant … Continue reading “Feast on Spirituality Fast from the Cross”
Educating for Lasting Peace
We learn from the story of the Magi that those who are wise seek out peacemakers to be educated by them, ‘We saw the child’s star rising… and have come to follow him.’ We learn from the story of Herod that those who are rulers target peacemakers and lie about being educated by them, ‘Go … Continue reading “Educating for Lasting Peace”
The Cross: The Axis of Evil
The war waged by rulers against Jesus ends with their murder of him, as detailed in today’s Gospel. Religious rulers request Jesus’ torture and murder, political rulers order it, and soldiers carry it out. “The soldiers led Jesus away inside the palace… weaving a crown of thorns, placed it on him,… kept striking his head … Continue reading “The Cross: The Axis of Evil”
Dying While We Are Still Alive
Jesus is summoned for a sick friend but upon arriving “found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.” When Jesus tells Lazarus’ sister, Martha, “Your brother will rise,” she mistakenly thinks Jesus means a “resurrection on the last day.” He does not. Together they go to the tomb where Jesus “cried … Continue reading “Dying While We Are Still Alive”
The Challenge to Change Religion
Sunday’s first reading concerns child sacrifice. Yahweh wants Abraham to murder his young son, Isaac, as a test of faith. Will Abraham offer his son in a blood sacrifice ritual for Yahweh? It turns out that Abraham will. At the last moment, however, Yahweh stops Abraham but commends his willingness to obey the violent command. … Continue reading “The Challenge to Change Religion”
Rejected Testimony
Throughout his life Jesus gives testimony to a peaceful Way. His testimony was consistently rejected by the rulers of his time; so much so they put him to death. This Sunday’s Gospel shows that Jesus’ community accepted his testimony, in life and in life after life. Thus, as people received Jesus in life so they … Continue reading “Rejected Testimony”
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus is charged as a criminal and brought before Pilate. An additional man charged as a criminal and also held by Pilate is Barabbas, an insurrectionist. Why does Pilate, who manages Rome’s local police state, eventually release the criminal Barabbas and torture and murder Jesus instead? Is it possible that criminals … Continue reading “Criminals”
Gift Economy
There is some evidence the U.S. Empire is like, or perhaps worse than, the man in Sunday’s Gospel. The man, out of fear, puts the gifts he has been given to no good use; he “went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried” the gifts. So too, the U.S. receiving the gifts … Continue reading “Gift Economy”